A dip into the nether-regions of Drop B, triplets, high gain, a slur between major and minor keys, and yes....a hint of some vocal work. This is actually the first thing I wrote after my triumphant return (read that as any return is good) to the music making world over a year ago. It's simple but a lot of fun to play thanks to the triplet sections and the grindage. I hope you enjoy!
I went about the tracking of this slightly differently from the past 2 songs. For rhythm guitars, instead of 1 guitar track on each side, this has 3. It allowed me heavily layer some sections and still keep it relatively clean. The same with the solo work - it's actually 2 separate guitars combined.
Let me know if you like it. Let me know if you hate it. Download for free if you would like or throw a few pieces of loose change into the guitar case.
UPDATE** I've retracked the guitar solo starting at around three minutes to fix some minor tuning issues I kept hearing. It should sound better now.

...A home studio and creative outlet. I will explore different setups, hardware, software, and review anything I find that I like. Almost everything heard on my recordings will be digital, from the guitar amps to the drums, from the strings to the compressors, all with both musical taste and price point in mind. I intend to help others and document my work with setting up a studio on a budget. What's best about this is that anyone can do it with a little know how and time. Not including the computer and the guitar, it is possible these days to make your own recordings for as little as a few hundred dollars. This is my attempt to do just that. The goal is to create amateur but realistic recordings from software for as little out of pocket expense as possible. So, feel free to comment and ask questions. I'm doing this as much for the community of home studio enthusiasts as I am for myself as a way to express my creativity. I'm not sure I'm looking for cutting edge - just good sounding songs that might put a smile on your face or make you want to drive a little faster in traffic. I hope you enjoy.
Man, good music, good concept, powerful riffs, really enjoyed your work.
ReplyDeleteI think you need to work on your timing &/or quantize the guitars a little. For the most part of the songs the lead guitar is out of time.
In some parts you're playing faster than the drums, then suddenly you correct the strumming and get on time, then again on the next compass you're there far away. :)
My two cents,
Yanko (from Brazil)
Thanks for the comment and I'm glad you stopped by, but I'm not sure I understand you. I know that there are some small timing fluctuations here and there. Most real bands have that in some form or another as well though. I'm of the opinion that when you take the time to make time "dead on perfect" it takes away from the performance. I will agree I probably could have gone back and fixed one or two area's that could have been slightly tighter, but I liked the performance and wasn't as worried about it. I don't think in the end that it takes away from the whole.
ReplyDeleteAlso keep in mind that when using midi drums, the program doesn't “push” the beat like a real drummer would. I didn't take as much time tweaking these drums as I have on previous songs and I'm taking twice as long on the song I'm working on now because of that reason and because of some complicated time signatures. While tracking guitars, I probably did push the beat slightly, but I’m not sure it’s worth splitting hairs over.
“For the most part of the songs the lead guitar is out of time” – I’m not sure I hear what you’re hearing. If I hear anything, the lead guitar is dead on the beat, it’s the rhythm guitar in the middle section that could be tightened up slightly. Feel free to explain a little more or give details. I’m not arguing your point; I just don’t know that we’re on the same page.
Keep in mind this is not modern/technical/math or whatever metal. (I’ll give an opinion here; don’t be offended, it’s just an opinion) Most of this Euro-oriented “modern” metal movement happening right now and for the past as many years, is very much plastic sounding and rehashed 80’s glam with an updated sound. I hope that’s not your reference point, but if it is, understand that my music is rooted a little closer to grunge of the 90’s where hitting the note on the beat to the nanosecond isn’t quite as important. It might even give a little more realism to what could be considered an otherwise “lifeless” (quite literally) recording because of it’s digital nature.
Beyond the Beginning - love the rich guitar tone in this tune. Reminds me a lot of Cantrell on Face Lift.
ReplyDeleteI Need You - Nice tones as well but mix isn't gelling as well as it could. The vocals are not working for this mix at all.
A Quarter Inch Crazy - I do hear the timing issues in this one. Not bad at all but could use some tightening up.
The vocals were recorded with an SM58 and turned out really dark. I kinda had planned on using them more like an effect than anything. But I agree, could be much better.