Support the good people at ABG and purchase iFace here

After quite some time of waiting, the wait is over. Sweet! If you are a Redwirez user, no more fumbling around thousands of files and folders to find the perfect IR (Impulse Response) for your tone. With iFace you can select Cab, mic and go. Actually move the mic on the user interface and the IR changes to that position, off axis, or ambient. It basically makes using IR's much more like a real studio setup and work flow. I know I'm going to put this to use within the next few weeks.
The trial version will work fully for 30 days. But at the low low price of around $20, I'm going to support my friends and buy it if it works as well for me as I think it should. You should consider that too.

I took a while last night and reorganized my Redwirez folders to the correct paths and got a few minutes to play with iFace. I'll be purchasing it sometime in the next few weeks. This thing works fantastic. No more clicking through 1000 folders to simply change an IR. Before iFace auditioning different IR's was hard and by the time you clicked through all the folders to a new IR, you forgot what the old one sounded like. Now, just move the mic. Wonderful. As much as I love LeCab, this thing is just too easy to work with to not use it. The only downside is that it takes a little more CPU per instance. Running 8 or 10 amps on one project could be a sizable cpu hit. But as easy as it is to move mics around now, I think I'm going to simply start bouncing tracks down to save the CPU anyway. Thanks Ken and everybody at ABG for this extremely useful plugin.