It's been a long time coming....but here it is. The past year has been a little crazy. I've been working on this song since last September and I have finally finished it. I was going to wait to release it, but decided I needed something new on here. I currently have 2 other songs in the works, so hopefully it won't be this long on those.
"Mercury" was recorded in my usual fashion. I used the Vox sim from Revalver for the cleans and NNR1 and Lextac for the distortion. I think they make for a real nice mix. Tips on how I've set up the tones can be found in past blogs.
I hope you enjoy!
Please feel free to leave comments or questions. If you like the tracks, I would encourage you to buy it from my bandcamp page. Just click on the music player at the top.
Here's the skinny: I spent much more time on this one with editing, tweeking and getting everything just right, and I think it shows. Steven slate 3.5 just like all the others for the drums. Very little actually changed with the drums from past mixes. It's probably more about how the the guitars/vocals/bass are mixed. I spent extra time with the verbs and delay to put everything in the same space. Epicverb and taldubIII.The opening clean guitars are Revalver 3 Fox, redwirez Marshall IR's, double tracked with tal chorus (same dude who did tal-dub delays - WONDERFUL plugs btw if you haven't tried them) on each side, epicverb and taldubIII cpu hates me.....I ended up bouncing everything to keep the cpu down. Distortion: And thank you, Alu, for's freakin awesome! The setup I used was the one we agreed was the better from my tests way back when, but with the volume on my LP rolled off about 2/3 of the way, Double tracked, panned 86%. One take with a lextac, slightly more gain than NNR1 (instead of doubled, it's a single play through with my old lextac settings at 100, 84, 84, 100% - you can really hear the difference at 4:40...the alllllmost wanting to feedback single note is Lextac and then the NRR1 comes in like I described above). The solo at the beginning is Lextac as described, the solo at the end of the song is NRR1.Vocals are done with a MXL 990 and run through so many fx I'm surprised my computer is not burning - Ni/Tim Exile's "the Mouth", Lextac, reatune, verbs, delays, more autotunes :P etc.... and double and triple tracked in places.Bass is BA500 from the old xgear for lows, lextac for high and string noise - all with ampeg implulses.
Police chatter used by creative commons permission, Thanks ERH!

...A home studio and creative outlet. I will explore different setups, hardware, software, and review anything I find that I like. Almost everything heard on my recordings will be digital, from the guitar amps to the drums, from the strings to the compressors, all with both musical taste and price point in mind. I intend to help others and document my work with setting up a studio on a budget. What's best about this is that anyone can do it with a little know how and time. Not including the computer and the guitar, it is possible these days to make your own recordings for as little as a few hundred dollars. This is my attempt to do just that. The goal is to create amateur but realistic recordings from software for as little out of pocket expense as possible. So, feel free to comment and ask questions. I'm doing this as much for the community of home studio enthusiasts as I am for myself as a way to express my creativity. I'm not sure I'm looking for cutting edge - just good sounding songs that might put a smile on your face or make you want to drive a little faster in traffic. I hope you enjoy.