I'm not a screamo person really. But in the past few years I've found some bands that I'm really enjoying in which the vocalist screams/growls. I've also found that I like some better than others. I also really enjoy it if the singer can actually sing.
In wondering why I like one above the other I've determined that 2 things really determine my ear's fate.
1. a growl/scream is always better with lots of wind behind it. Lot's of air and power tend to make them sound better.
2. They sound better when they are at least a little musical. This is hard to describe, but making the vocals understandable, well articulated pronunciation, and not so monotone tend to sound better to me.
It's kinda like Soilwork vocals vs Children of Bodem. Soilwork's vocals sit on top, you can understand them and there's emotion involved. I've never been able to get into Children of Bodem because the vocals have always sounded like an afterthought, monotone and emotionless white noise.
So the way I've determined I like to describe this is that you have to "sing the scream, not speak the scream" I'm not sure if this makes since at all, but I've never said it out loud and now I feel better.
I understand there are those out there that like the "Cookie Monster" stuff and that's just fine. But remember, it can still be cookie monster and sit in the mix in a place that sounds good.... and not like white noise.

...A home studio and creative outlet. I will explore different setups, hardware, software, and review anything I find that I like. Almost everything heard on my recordings will be digital, from the guitar amps to the drums, from the strings to the compressors, all with both musical taste and price point in mind. I intend to help others and document my work with setting up a studio on a budget. What's best about this is that anyone can do it with a little know how and time. Not including the computer and the guitar, it is possible these days to make your own recordings for as little as a few hundred dollars. This is my attempt to do just that. The goal is to create amateur but realistic recordings from software for as little out of pocket expense as possible. So, feel free to comment and ask questions. I'm doing this as much for the community of home studio enthusiasts as I am for myself as a way to express my creativity. I'm not sure I'm looking for cutting edge - just good sounding songs that might put a smile on your face or make you want to drive a little faster in traffic. I hope you enjoy.