http://www.theserinaexperiment.net/website/software.htm 5150 anybody? I don't mind if I do. What I'm hearing from this
sim is far better than even the
Peavey Revalver MKIII version I have. It's still in a beta version and is quite high on the CPU consumption, but hopefully that will be addressed in the final version. The ability to switch between
el34 and 6L6 tubes might just make up for it though. Between
NRR1, and x50, I think I'm done looking for amps. Metal heads rejoice! Thanks
Ok, so I pushed the beat a little to much. The point here is the tone, not my lack of "metronomeness".
CLICK HERE FOR MY TEST (using 5150 cab from Redwirez):
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3406793/x50%20test.mp3AND AN UPDATED VERSION (using Uberkab and Marshall IR's):